IFOY Patronage
IFOY Sponsor
IFOY Partner
Messe Dortmund is official partner of the IFOY AWARD.
Cascade is official partner of the IFOY AWARD.
LTG is official partner of the IFOY AWARD.
Warsteiner is official partner of the IFOY AWARD.
Phoenix des Lumières by Culturespaces is official partner of the IFOY AWARD.
New members appointed to the IFOY specialist advisory committee ...
The VDMA Materials Handling and Logistics Systems Sector Association and sponsor of the IFOY Award has appointed two new members to the IFOY specialist advisory committee.
Professor Dr.-Ing. Rainer Bruns, Director of the Faculty of Machine Elements and Technical Logistics at the Helmut Schmidt University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg, and Professor Dr. Michael ten Hompel, holder of the Chair of Materials Handling and Warehousing at TU Dortmund University and Executive Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML), have been appointed to the committee. Both scientists are leading experts in the field of warehouse and materials handling technology as well as in the area of innovation research.
The members of the IFOY specialist advisory committee represent the international manufacturers, associations and organisations, and their advice may be requested by the jury on technical and content-related matters. The specialist advisory committee has no voting rights.
Photos: HSU, Fraunhofer IML
You can find printable photos and IFOY logo variants in the press section at www.IFOY.org.
The International Forklift Truck of the Year (IFOY) recognises the year's best materials handling equipment and intralogistics solutions. The aim of the non-profit organisation is to document the performance capability and innovative drive of the materials handling sector, helping to boost competitiveness and raise the profile of the entire intralogistics sector in the public arena. The winners of the IFOY Award are selected once a year by an independent jury of international trade journalists. A neutral test forms the basis for assessment by the jury. The sponsor of the IFOY Award is the VDMA Materials Handling and Logistics Systems Sector Association. The presentation partner is the leading international CeMAT trade fair for intralogistics in Hannover.
Members of the jury: Martin Althoff, Editor-in-Chief of Logistiek Totaal (Netherlands), Vladimir Antonov, Editor-in-Chief of Sklad i Technika (Warehouse & Equipment), (Russia), Alfons Calders, Editorial Manager of Industrie Technisch & Management (Belgium/France), Theo Egberts, IFOY tester and owner of Buro Andersom/Andersom Testing (Netherlands, without voting rights), Günther Hörbst, Editor-in-Chief of Deutsche Logistik-Zeitung (DVZ) (Germany), Thilo Jörgl, Editor-in-Chief of LOGISTIK HEUTE (Germany), Anders Karlsson, Editor-in-Chief of Transport & Logistik iDag (Sweden), Peter MacLeod, Editor-in-Chief of SHD Magazine (England), Bernd Maienschein, Editor-in-Chief of MM Logistik (Germany), Marilena Matei, Editorial Manager of Tranzit and Tranzit Logistica (Romania), Maurizio Peruzzi, Editor-in-Chief of Il Giornale della Logistica (Italy), Isabel Rodrigo, Editor-in-Chief of Logística Profesional (Spain), Hans-Joachim Schlobach, Publisher-Editor and Editor-in-Chief of BUSINESS+LOGISTIC (Austria), Sascha Schmel, Managing Director of the VDMA Materials Handling and Intralogistics Sector Association (without voting rights), Sebastian Śliwieński, Editor-in-Chief of Warehouse Monitor (Poland), Heres Stad, Editor-in-Chief of Logistiek (Netherlands), Werner Götz, Editor-in-Chief of Beschaffung aktuell (Germany). Executive Jury Chairperson is Anita Würmser, logistics journalist and Managing Director of wuermser.communications. The headquarters of the IFOY Organisation are in Munich.
Reproduction free of charge, courtesy copy requested.
Anita Würmser
Chair of the IFOY Jury
Postfach 1304
D - 85767 Unterföhring
Telefon: +49 (0)89 958 226-11
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