IFOY Categories 
Intralogistics Products and Solutions


The IFOY categories are for orientation purposes and are not mandatory carried out in every year. Preferred categories can be indicated categories can be indicated. The IFOY organization decides in which which category an application will be classified and reserves the right in reserves the right to assign a product or solution to a different category, if it is of category if it is advantageous for the product or solution to be classified in a advantage.

Counter Balanced Truck
All types of counterbalanced trucks up to 8 tons

Heavy Load Forklift and Special Vehicle
Forklift trucks/vehicles for special tasks, special vehicle construction, drones, cargo bikes, carry-on/container forklift, heavy load forklift over 8 tons.

Warehouse Truck "highlifter"
Warehouse Trucks  from 2nd rack level like highlifter narrow aisle, and reach truck, pedestrian-controlled high-lift trucks, order pickers, etc.

Warehouse Truck "lowlifter"
Mainly manual warehouse equipment up to approx. 1st racking level such as pedestrian controlled lowlifters, tractors, tugger trains, horizontal order pickers, etc.

Mobile Robot
Mobile autonomous or automated robots, such as AGVs, AMRs, mobile cobots, robots for automatic unloading and loading of loading and unloading of trucks, shuttle(systems), automated industrial trucks, etc.

Stationary Robot / Robot Warehouse System
Automated warehouse systems, stationary robot-based solutions for intralogistic applications such as palletizing and depalletizing, cobots, picking robots, etc.

Intralogistics Software
Apps and intralogistics system or software solutions in the context of the application possibilities, such as warehouse management systems, Forklift control systems, driver assistance systems, fleet management systems, etc.

Integrated Customer Solution
Warehouse automation solution successfully implemented at a specific customer, greenfield and brownfield projects.

Special of the Year
Components or technical equipment that significantly improves economic efficiency, sustainability or the physical or mental conditions for the user, such as ergonomic innovations, safety such as ergonomic innovations, safety assistance solutions,  Automation solutions, drive technologies, warehouse aids, forklift attachments, etc.

Crane and lifting technology
Cranes for various applications, such as gantry and bridge cranes, bracket and wall wall travelling cranes, slewing cranes, suspension cranes, light cranes, etc. Lifting equipment for various applications, such as chain and rope hoists, winches, magnetic and vacuum lifters, lifting tables and working platforms, etc.

IFOY Start-up of the Year
With the spin-off award IFOY Start-up of the Year the AWARD organization honors innovative technologies and new developments of founders.


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