Application phase started


Which new products and solutions are among the best in intralogistics? As of now, suppliers of new products can once again apply for the International Intralogistics and Forklift Truck of the Year (IFOY AWARD).

There are a total of 13 categories to choose from for 2022, covering almost all areas of application in intralogistics. For the tenth round of the worldwide competition, the VDMA's Robotics + Automation Association (R + A) has joined as the sponsor for the "Robot" category. The VDMA Association for Materials Handling and Intralogistics has supported the IFOY AWARD since the beginning of the competition.

In addition to robots, forklifts, warehouse technology equipment and special vehicles, automated guided vehicles (AGVs), shuttles, cargo bicycles, drones, cranes, software and apps as well as successfully implemented, holistic warehouse concepts are also eligible to apply. In addition, outstanding technical details or components are awarded, such as ergonomic innovations, safety solutions or automation components. In the category "Start-up of the Year", newly founded companies with innovative prototypes or functional developments can apply for an IFOY AWARD again this year. The deadline for applications is October 30, 2021.

Go to the application form:

The conditions of participation can be requested from the IFOY office.