The IFOY MGZN is the magazine for the IFOY AWARD: All about the IFOY TEST DAYS, the TEST CAMP INTRALOGISTICS, all test results and test reports, news, reports and a lot of information about how to apply for 2025.
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Counter Balanced Truck up to 3.5 tons
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EFG S30s
RX 20
Tonero HST LPG
Counter Balanced Truck from 3.5 tons
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DFG 540s
RX 60-80
Tonero 3.5 - 8.0 t
Traigo 80 4-5 t
Warehouse Truck
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BT Levio LPE
ECE 225
Intralogistics Solution
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Shuttles and AGVs at
Tugger Train at
The nominees are ...
Jungheinrich AG: EFG S30s
Category: Counter Balanced Trucks up to 3.5 tons
Category: Counter Balanced Trucks up to 3.5 tons
Category: Counter Balanced Trucks up to 3.5 tons
Jungheinrich AG: DFG 540s
Category: Counter Balanced Trucks from 3.5 tons
STILL GmbH: RX 60-80
Category: Counter Balanced Trucks from 3.5 tons
TOYOTA MH: Tonero 3.5 - 8.0 t
Category: Counter Balanced Trucks from 3.5 tons
TOYOTA MH: Traigo 80 4-5 t
Category: Counter Balanced Trucks from 3.5 tons
Category: Warehouse Trucks
CLARK Europe: CBX4
Category: Warehouse Trucks
Jungheinrich AG: ECE 225
Category: Warehouse Trucks
Category: Warehouse Trucks
UniCarriers Europe: TERGO URS
Category: Warehouse Trucks
STILL GmbH: Shuttle und FTS bei Kuraray
Category: Intralogistics Solutions
Jungheinrich AG: Routenzug bei VEMAG
Category: Intralogistics Solutions
The nominations for the International Forklift Truck of the Year (IFOY) Award 2014 are in. In the first selection round, the jury chose 14 trucks and solutions from Clark, Jungheinrich, Still, Toyota Material Handling and Unicarriers for the final round from all the entries. Newly developed trucks, trucks that represent further developments or special models with significant technical improvements that have come onto the European market since December, 2013 were eligible for the award.
Which trucks are ultimately chosen for the IFOY Award 2015 will depend in large measure on the results of the IFOY Test and IFOY Innovation Check, which all nominated trucks have to undergo over a period of one week on the grounds of the official logistics partner Hellmann Worldwide Logistics in Osnabrueck. The IFOY test measures the hard data and compares it with the data for rival machines. The IFOY Innovation Check prepared by the specialists from the Dortmund-based Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML), focuses solely on innovations and the degree of innovation relative to the market. In addition, the jury members drive all nominated vehicles themselves, putting them through their paces during the IFOY test week.
Among other things, the IFOY Award assesses innovative quality, technology, design, ergonomics, handling, safety, cost effectiveness and sustainability. The key criteria for intralogistics solutions include novel/innovative quality, customer benefit, sustainability and marketability of the solution.
The winner in each category will be chosen in March by a jury made up of internationally reputed trade journalists and the leading logistics media from 13 countries. The IFOY Award will be presented on May 5 in the BMW Welt Double Cone in Munich during the CeMAT@transport logistic trade fair.
A limited number of free tickets are available for the IFOY Gala and can be requested from the IFOY head office (
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IFOY Testing Days 2015
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics in Osnabrück
The IFOY test week has begun. All nominated trucks and solutions for the IFOY Award undergo thorough testing over the course seven days on the grounds of IFOY logistics partner Hellmann Worldwide Logistics in Osnabrück.
22 jury members from 14 countries travel to the venue to cast their vote and more than 80 guest follow the tests.The leading contestants for the IFOY Award 2015 are a well-kept secret right up to the last minute before the names are revealed at the IFOY Award Night in the BMW Welt Double Cone in Munich on May 5 and the audience hears the all-important words: "And the Winner is...".
Staplerpreisverleihung in der BMW-Welt – multimodal, multimedial, genial
Erster Abend der Fachmesse „tl“ 2015 (Transport Logistic). IFOY-Jury-Vorsitzende Anita Würmser lädt zur Preisverleihung in die BMW-Welt. Wer den Weg vom Gelände der Messe München quer durch die Stadt zum Sitz der bayerischen Autobauer am Olympiapark nimmt, erlebt eine kurzweilige Veranstaltung mit glücklichen Gewinnern und jeder Menge Applaus.
IFOY Award 2015: Bilder von der Award-Night in München
Die Jury hat ihr Votum abgegeben – und die Sieger des International Forklift Truck of the Year-Award, kurz IFOY, stehen fest. Sie werden allerdings bis zu einer Award-Night mit geladenen Gästen am 5. Mai in der Münchner BMW-Welt noch geheim gehalten. Insgesamt waren 2015 für die Stapler-Oscars 14 Geräte und Lösungen von fünf Herstellern nominiert.
IFOY 2015: Jungheinrich, Still und UniCarriers gewinnen
Die Staplerspezialisten Jungheinrich, Still und UniCarriers haben den International Forklift Truck of the Year Award, kurz IFOY, in vier Kategorien gewonnen. Vertretern der Unternehmen wurden die aus Metall und Glas gefertigten Trophäen am 5. Mai im Rahmen einer Award-Night am Rande der CeMAT@transport logistic in der Münchner BMW-Welt überreicht. Mehr als 150 geladene Gäste aus der europäischen Logistik-Szene kamen zur Verleihung der Preise.
IFOY: Award-Night steigt am 5. Mai
Die Jury hat ihr Votum abgegeben – und die Sieger des International Forklift Truck of the Year-Award, kurz IFOY, stehen fest. Sie werden allerdings bis zu einer Award-Night mit geladenen Gästen am 5. Mai in der Münchner BMW-Welt noch geheim gehalten. Insgesamt waren 2015 für die Stapler-Oscars 14 Geräte und Lösungen von fünf Herstellern nominiert.
The nominees are ...
The nominations for the International Forklift Truck of the Year (IFOY) Award 2014 are in. In the first selection round, the jury chose 14 trucks and solutions from Clark, Jungheinrich, Still, Toyota Material Handling and Unicarriers for the final round from all the entries.
IFOY Logistics
Made by Hellmann Worldwide Logistics
Acting as exclusive logistics partner, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics ensures the smooth handling of all transport tasks and also provides the infrastructure for the in-depth testing of forklift trucks.
They don't come any bigger: the massive Toyota forklift is slowly manoeuvred onto the loading bed of the truck with the finest of touches and a keen eye. Only a few millimetres separate the fork masts from the roof of the special trailer - despite the latter's impressive height of 3.85 metres. The red Toyota Tonero is one of twelve material handling vehicles and two logistics solutions nominated for the IFOY Award 2015. The heavy-duty machine began its journey to Osnabrück on February 19. The destination was the glass hall at Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, where this year's IFOY test week was taking place. Hellmann equipped the building with wifi especially for this occasion to allow twitter posts, messages and mails live from the tests. Alongside the material handling vehicles from five manufacturers, a specialist tester and 22 jury members from 14 countries also travelled to Osnabrück to put the finalists through their paces. The jury is made up of representatives of the leading logistics media from all over Europe.
The test week is one of the special features of the IFOY Award. A written entry on its own does not form a sufficient basis for a well-founded expert verdict. This is why, during the test week, the nominees have to prove in practice what they claim in their entry. The "Oscar of intralogistics" is awarded in five categories. Awards are presented to the best new vehicles of the year in the forklift truck, automated guided vehicle and warehouse truck classes along with a successful intralogistics system solution. The entrants and nominees range from lift trucks through to reach trucks, from 2-tonners to 8-tonners and beyond. "Most of the twelve nominated vehicles can only be transported using special equipment", says Stefan Haase, the project manager at Hellmann Worldwide Logistics who organises all the transports for the IFOY Award. The global family-run company performs these challenging transport jobs together with specialised transport firms like Pfaff, Marcus and TMM. This year, five manufacturers have made it to the final round: Clark, Jungheinrich, Still, Toyota Material Handling and Unicarriers. Their trucks will face the verdict of the jury in Osnabrück in 2015. Testing capacity is at the limit this year in the "Warehouse Trucks" category with a total of five nominated models.
The logistics services for the IFOY Award were pooled and centrally contracted out for the first time this year, and Hellmann won the contract ahead of several competitors. The reason the services were outsourced this year is the growing importance of the respected IFOY test for the intralogistics sector. Transports need to be scheduled and executed just-in-time in order not to influence the subsequent tests. Moreover, some of the vehicles make unusual demands on the testing infrastructure; the new FM-X reach truck from Still, for example, whose special oscillation damping system calls for a highly specific testing environment.
Moreover, Hellmann also made the so-called logistics workshop and the lecture theatre in the "Speicher III" building on the company grounds in Osnabrück available as venues for the jury meetings. Speicher III is also the administrative headquarters of the Hellmann company and a unique office building: the rooms in the light-flooded former grain silo exude a modern and cosy atmosphere with a stylish design and abundant open spaces. The logistics workshop turns out to be a multifunctional work area which can be rapidly adapted to suit varying technical requirements. During the test week, this was where Anita Würmser, Executive Jury Chairperson of the IFOY organisation worked together with the two Dutch forklift experts Theo Egberts and Mark Dohmen from Andersom-Testing, IT specialist Dr. Horst Mayer, photographer Tobias Schwertmann and two film crews. The team was supported by Daniel Rynio from the Hellmann marketing department. This team was tasked with preparing the jury documentation, compiling a video and photographic record of the various processes, writing press releases and evaluating the tests and questionnaires.
Everything runs smoothly as the test week begins on February 19. As scheduled, the first of four trucks is ready and waiting at 8 a.m. in front of the testing hall and is speedily unloaded. The other trailer trucks follow every hour, so that all twelve nominated material handling vehicles are "ready to go" by 11:30 am..
The Winners are ...
Counter Balanced Truck up to 3.5 t: Jungheinrich EFG S30s
The IFOY Award 2015 in the category "Counter Balanced Truck up to 3.5 t" goes to the EFG S30s from Jungheinrich AG in Hamburg. The jury selected the three-ton electric forklift as the best forklift truck of the year.
The key factor in the decision of the jury was the completely overhauled workplace featuring numerous innovations under the working title 'Operator in Mind'. Jungheinrich was thinking ahead when it developed the new EFG S30s, said the jury, adding that it is an extremely driver-friendly machine with predictable handling that makes for a very comfortable ride. The jury called the EFG S30s a perfect all-rounder for the mass market, with an ergonomically and intelligently designed workplace that meets the needs of the new generation of drivers. The easy and automatic battery change function and the "Pure Energy" technology concept permitting two-shift duty without the need to change the battery are further innovative features that have not been implemented in such a systematic way before.
IFOY Award – Counter Balanced Truck of the Year 2015
Jungheinrich introduced the overhauled EFG S series last year. Like the combustion-engined trucks in the S range, the electric forklifts are also equipped with increased load centre distance (600 mm instead of 500 mm) and come with a reinforced chassis and axles that can withstand the higher loads. The EFG S30s is therefore also eminently suitable for heavy-duty operations in narrow spaces.
The spacious cab is easily accessible, also thanks to the extremely slim steering column, which is adjustable in height and angle. Jungheinrich has developed the new Duo-Pilot operating concept for the hydraulic functions, and the controls are integrated in the also new armrest. The operating levers are ergonomically designed, and both the left-hand (lifting, lowering, tilting) and right-hand levers are multi-functional. There is an additional storage compartment underneath the armrest, further increasing the range of storage options for the driver. The key information such as driving mode, battery status and wheel position is shown on a modern, well-lit display. Visibility from the cabin of the test truck was outstanding, and one of the key advantages of the new compact mast is the 85 percent improvement in through-visibility compared to the predecessor generation.
The EFG S30s in the test was equipped with an electrically operated side-on battery change system that greatly facilitates battery change. A button on the rear of the driver compartment activates a small rail on which the battery can then be pulled out. In the IFOY test, the EFG S30s achieved above-average scores for productivity in driving mode 5.
Counter Balanced Truck from 3.5 t: Still RX 60-80
The IFOY Award 2015 in the category "Counter Balanced Truck from 3.51 t" goes to the RX 60-80 from Still GmbH in Hamburg. The jury chose the eight-ton electric forklift as the best heavy-duty truck of the year.
The key factor in the decision of the jury was the highly innovative character of the Still RX 60-80. As a series-produced forklift with electric drive, it constitutes a clear innovation in this performance class with significant value added for the customer. The RX 60-80 shows that the trend towards electric forklifts has now finally arrived in the high-performance segment.
In addition to offering numerous ergonomic innovations, the eight-tonner impressed the jury above all with its power and agility. The maintenance-free and encapsulated drive unit complete with multi-disk brakes makes the 80-volt truck the ideal machine for combined indoor and outdoor use.
IFOY Award – Counter Balanced Truck of the Year 2015
The RX 60-80 launched in April 2014 adds a very high-powered but compact and extremely agile electric forklift to the RX 60 series of electric trucks.
Developed for "optimum handling performance", this machine is designed for heavy, large-sized loads coupled with considerably lower energy, maintenance and service costs compared to diesel and LPG forklifts in this class, underlining the fact that electric drive concepts are a viable alternative in the eight-ton segment.
Getting to the driver's seat is quite a climb, but it's an easy one via three large steps. The most conspicuous features of the electric truck are its high seat and short overall length of less than 3,500 mm. The shape is due to the 1,240 Ah/80 V battery; it is the beating heart of the machine, and the driver sits right on top of it at a height of 1,220 mm, ensuring an excellent view of load and surroundings. The turning circle of the machine is just three metres, which means it can be used in working aisles of less than five metres in width. This makes the RX 60-80 one of the most compact forklifts in its class.
The driver in the cockpit has an excellent view of all the necessary information. One new feature is the function on the display that computes - and graphically displays - average consumption as well as a positive or negative trend. The values on the display were almost identical with those recorded during the IFOY test. In terms of visibility and line of sight, the cabin poses very few problems thanks to its extremely large glazed areas and slim columns. The driver's seat is laterally offset to the left, providing a good view of the left-hand side of the load. The new hydraulic joystick "4Plus" makes for convenient operation, and the handling of the RX 60-80 was extremely stable and predictable in the IFOY test.
The forklift uses 14 percent less energy in the Blue-Q energy-saving mode, equivalent to over an hour of additional operating time. One of the main advantages of the RX 60-80 is the side-on battery change, which takes just three to four minutes using a lift truck without the need for an additional suspension crane. This ensures that the RX 60-80 is ready for deployment around in the clock - also in multi-shift operations.
Warehouse Truck: Unicarriers Tergo URS
The IFOY Award 2015 in the category "Warehouse Truck" goes to the Tergo URS from Swedish manufacturer UniCarriers GmbH. The jury selected the combined narrow aisle and reach truck as the best new warehouse truck of the year.
The combined narrow aisle and reach truck impressed the jury with its multifunctionality and its forward-looking ergonomic concept. With theTergo URS, UniCarriers combines the benefits of high warehouse density and reduced handling requirements, and also sets a benchmark in terms of ergonomic design. Operating characteristics are highly responsive and predictable, and meet the current market demand for efficiency and ergonomics in a unique way.
IFOY Award – Warehouse Truck of the Year 2015
The Tergo URS is based on the Tergo family and is a narrow aisle and reach truck in one. It can carry loads of up to 1,500 kg and has a maximum lifting height of 10,350 mm. Development work on the URS focused on ergonomic aspects, high service standards and total cost of ownership.
The main feature which is a one-of-a-kind in the market is the individually adjustable driver cabin. The seat has a wide range of settings and can even be adjusted to suit the weight of the driver.
The floor plate with pedal is height-adjustable (max. 70 mm), and the slim backrest enables the driver to turn with ease when reversing.
The truck has a mini-steering wheel on the left armrest, and all hydraulic functions can be operated with minimum hand movement. The individual driver settings can be called up via PIN codes or RFID cards. This means that beginners can work at reduced speed and adjust their settings as they become more experienced, so that the power of the URS also adapts to the skill levels of the driver.
The tie-bars are intelligently shaped and positioned to ensure a good view of the load. The roof sections are angled and make for maximum upward visibility. Mirrors are mounted on both sides of the mast for a good view of the blind spot.
The Tergo URS is agile yet stable and reliable; in particular, the fork rotates quickly and smoothly. The turning circle of the URS is the smallest in its class. The fact that the forklift is not only induction-controlled or rail-guided but can also be operated as a free range truck is a major benefit.
The patent-pending Dynamic Cornering Control (DCC) feature dynamically reduces the speed when cornering based on the driving speed and steering wheel angle, and this enhances operating safety.
The URS also has a convincing maintenance concept. As the machine is based on the Tergo family, local service technicians can generally provide the necessary support services.
Intralogistics Solution: Still GmbH for the Intralogistics of the new raw materials warehouse of Kuraray Trosifol
The IFOY Award 2015 in the category "Intralogistics Solution" goes to Still GmbH in Hamburg. The sophisticated material flow concept of the intralogistics solution for the new raw materials warehouse of Kuraray Trosifol in the town of Troisdorf in North Rhine-Westphalia combines semi-automatic shuttle vehicles and automated FM-X reach trucks in a high-density rack-channel warehouse for the first time.
The key factor in the decision of the jury was the innovative combination of driverless transport systems with a pallet shuttle system as well as the link-up of automatic and manually operated units. The jury said that Still succeeded in installing a fully functioning, failsafe 24/7 solution with state-of-the-art technology for Kuraray in the record time of just nine weeks, adding that this solution sets a new benchmark with an outstanding amortisation time of three years. This is an extremely intelligent intralogistics solution with significant benefits for the customer. With the Kuraray project, Still has set a benchmark for the future in the field of warehouse planning and design.
IFOY Award - Intralogistics Solution of the Year 2015
The starting point for the project was the expansion of production capacity for PVB films, which are used as an intermediate layer in windscreens and safety glass. Due to an acute lack of space, the task was to wind up the warehouse sections that had previously been managed manually and to centralise these areas in an automatic raw materials warehouse. With a floor area of 4,500 square metres, the building is almost the size of a small soccer pitch. "We presented our project to a wide range of well-known providers in the market for driverless transport systems and front-to-end solutions. At the end of the process, there were only three providers left who were confident they could implement a suitable solution. At the end of the day, only Still was able to realise the necessary overall concept as general contractor in the extremely short time frame of just nine weeks", says Manfred Kania, Head of Logistics at Kuraray Europe GmbH. The concept comprises a high-density rack-channel system with 3,300 storage places, seven Still pallet shuttles, three automatic FM-X reach trucks, two RX 60 electric forklift trucks, a working platform measuring around 40 metres in length with seven work stations, all conveying technology components, buffer places, and an automatic stacker for empty pallets as well as a material flow computer and the central warehouse management computer. What's special about this solution is that it is the first time that semi-automatic shuttle vehicles communicate with fully automated reach trucks in order to ensure that raw materials arrive at the right production supply station at the right time.
Every day, around 400 pallets of PVB plastic granulate are delivered by truck in "big bags" and unloaded by RX 60 electric forklift trucks. The warehouse management computer scans the goods and registers the driver, guiding him via the Still touchscreen terminal to the correct channel of the pallet-shuttle channel system, where the big bags are automatically received and forwarded to their storage spaces by pallet shuttles.
At the goods dispatch end, three automated FM-X reach trucks are in operation 24 hours a day. They place the shuttles in the correct channels fully automatically and transport the outbound big bags to the conveying system, from where they are then transported to a total of seven work stations. At these stations, the raw material is sucked out of the bags and transported via pipelines to the five production machines in the neighbouring halls. Empty pallets are collected in the automatic stacker, transported via FM-X to the channels that are specially reserved for empty pallets and stored by a shuttle.
The overall system supplies raw materials to the production process 24 hours a day. Twelve pallets are continuously removed from their storage location every hour. As this means that the warehouse trucks are in operation around the clock, the battery voltage of all vehicles is permanently monitored. Once the voltage falls below a certain threshold, the reach trucks or shuttles drive automatically to the battery change station.
The nerve centre of the system is the warehouse management computer. It communicates with the vehicle control computer, the Still pallet shuttles, the material flow computer and the quality management system. It is also responsible for all movements of goods and vehicles, and reports all incoming goods and dispatches to the central SAP system in real time. The processes in the warehouse are stored in automated format in the IT system. This ensures transparency and traceability of all processes and a system availability of at least 98 percent.
IFOY Test Days 2015
Jury tests nominated Forklift and Warehouse Trucks
During the test days for the International Forklift Truck of the Year on February 25 and 26 in Osnabrück, 22 jury members tested 12 trucks from manufacturers Clark, Jungheinrich, Still, Toyota and UniCarriers that had previously been nominated for the final round. 80 invited guests made the trip to Osnabrück to watch the tests as they were being carried out on the site of Hellmann Worldwide Logistics.
The first jury testing day began with the presentation of the nominated intralogistics solutions. In the atrium of the Hellmann headquarters, the team from Jungheinrich AG presented the nominated tugger train solution implemented at VEMAG Maschinenbau GmbH to the jury. Hamburg-based competitor Still then showcased a solution realised for the raw materials warehouse of the Kuraray company in Troisdorf, where semi-automatic pallet shuttle vehicles communicate with two automatic reach trucks in a rack-channel warehouse. As is now tradition, the jury also had the chance to test the nominated trucks in depth for themselves.
All this was preceded by just under a week of lifting, driving, measuring and stacking. The twelve new trucks that were nominated were put through their paces during a comprehensive testing protocol and the IFOY Innovation Check that took place in the specially prepared "Glass Hall" at logistics partner Hellmann in Osnabrück. The IFOY test devised by Dutch testing specialist Theo Egberts from Andersom Testing measures the hard data of each machine and compares it with the data for rival trucks. The scientific IFOY Innovation Check developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML) in Dortmund assesses the innovative features of the trucks and the degree of innovation relative to the market. Both testing series form the basis for the final vote of the jury.
The award ceremony and announcement of the winners will take place in the "Double Cone" of BMW Welt Munich on May 5 during the CeMAT@transport logistic fair.